Korcula Posip III

Not far in Zavalatica lives winemaker, poet and sculptor Luke Krajančić. A modest and simple by nature, says he is a small man from small island that does what he loves. There is no doubt that he does it very successfully because the news about him and his fine wines far exceeds the boundaries of his beautiful Zavalatica, as well as the borders of our country. Luke Krajančić is currently the most important Posip manufacturer. In addition to silver and gold medals at international competitions, the American magazine Wine and Spirit included it in the category of value for the money among the top 100 wines in the world.

In a recent interview he said that the inevitable question that he had always been asked is "how much do you produce?" "I like to say that I produce one bottle for one man. And every one who has tasted the bottle had to  be touched in that part of the soul that is entered in, and then the cycle is closed, "says Luke. "Grapevine I don't see as something that would give me a certain number of pounds of which to receive a certain number of bottles that will bring me a number of Kunas. I don't think this way and in that part figures are completely irrelevant! The point is that you enter vineyard with your full heart. And not just wine production but to make it familiar enough in your own way! Making wine closer to others I had showed myself thru it. In my wine story between me and the wine I'm just statist and listener, "says Luke Krajančić.

It is interesting, what Sasa Špiranec, wine expert told me about Luka Krajacic: "Luka Krajančić changed posip completely. Posip is already known for decades as southern character wine, with a full body, a lot of alcohol, bitterness and at the end, maturity. But he came with a completely new style of Posip, refreshing posip, fragrant, full of herbal aroma. We just did not know that this variety can do this. In the vineyard he used one method, he let more leaves to grow, earlier harvests to get more acidity, more freshness and it proved to be a big hit. The market has gone crazy for his posip. He is probably the only Posip manufacturer who easily sells all quantities. Never there is enough no matter that his wine is not cheap. On the other hand he did not sacrifice quality. So,  he reduced the yield and despite the freshness  made a wine of high quality, fullness, vitality. All that we expect from the wine. "

It is difficult to present the sea in this attractive way, the landscape where this poet belongs, as well as himself of his verses:
It's like you're on top of the world pull aria
and let your voice ... .. Or in the orchestra of 100 instruments nicest note that plays bass ..

That's what heals all wounds, removes what is bad, collects salt, and somewhere save all our faults, and somewhere fill a table of a hungry man ..

Pull the aria and the voice is spreading, and life passes, you come to the end, and when paradise is almost in sight, you say - I've already seen a paradise once.

It's as if you are and you're not, pull the aria, and let the voice, as if the bottom rope hanging beautiful and ugly at the same time.

It is sea, my son which is the greatest when you would not want it .. It is sea, it's love, and the sea, that is and I and you ...



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