Slavonia, Vukovar Part I

Slavonia, Vukovar Part I


When I think of Vukovar before my eyes is the image of the Danube and Vukovar ade, sandy island on the Danube with the sandy beaches, a popular beach of Vukovar. In the gazebo under the shade trees are offered refreshments, traditional Slavonian food and on the grounds one can play beach volleyball. All important in Vukovar was going on in and around the Danube. Vukovar was already in the 18th century an important river port.

I enjoy watching the evening long barges slowly crawling in the middle of the river, boats returning from fishing and lighted cruise ships docking along the coast of Vukovar.

The consequences of the horrendous war are still visible. The city in 1991 was razed to the ground. The attack on Vukovar began on 24 August 1991 and since then it was three months under siege. On 18 November 1991, Vukovar lost battle and became militarily occupied. The non-Serb population (about 22,000 people) were expelled from the city, and more than 6000 citizens of Vukovar were taken to numerous camps in Serbia. Many of them were tortured, and some of them never came out alive.

1997 began the process of peaceful reintegration and since then people from Vukovar come back to their city. Slowly the city on the Danube returns its distinctive West European baroque flair. The center of the Old Vukovar was known for its houses with Baroque arches that are slowly recovering under the watchful eye of restorers. Among a number of popular, but in the war severely damaged buildings, is Eltz castle from the XVIIIth century, which has been renovated as well as the promenade along the Danube.

This wine area every year on January 22 on St Vincent marks the beginning of work in the vineyard. Then on the grape vines they hang sausages and other meat products, as legend says - that bigger, better grapes will grow and clusters will be big. Also, the legend says that if that day icicles or snow melt until noon and create pools where sparrow can swim, year will be fruitful and we will be able to swim in wine. This event is a real vineyard experience with mulled wine and cuisine that visitors can taste and, prepare themselves on fire.



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